Friday, December 31, 2010

The Whiteboard Series

Here are a couple quick sketches I did on a whiteboard, take a look and see how you like them!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

#3's Modeling Agency/Company continued...I'm having so much fun!

Just gonna post the pictures, the post below will explain! Actually, I do need to explain. These modeling pictures, unlike the ones below, are far more recent. You can tell by the fact that #3 had all of her hair chopped off. Still looks good though!

What do you guys think?

#3's Modeling Agency/Company again...I just can't resist can I?

So, we're back at it, taking photos of #3 (my sister) and pretending she's a model. Wait, she is a model, never mind that last part. Anyhoo, take a look and if you like them comment and if you don't, comment too!
Bon Apetit!!

And if I added any more pictures this post would get too long, I'm taking it to the next post! Tootletoo and taataa!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Beautiful clouds a wonderful daytrip...what more could I ask for?

Some pictures of when me and my mom and sister went out near Rio Vista, hope you guys love the clouds and all the pictures!!

The Windmill Farmer from Joaquin Baldwin on Vimeo.
By Joaquin Baldwin, the video is from Youtube. Isn't it sweet?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Chez! Also known as Cheese

I find it slightly ironic that despite the title of our blog (I Want Cheese) we have never had one single post about cheese.
Ringy and I came up with this title while hiking at Putah Creek, discussing lunch, which consisted of bread, apples, brownies and cheese. While eating we talked about many things including our food, we then realized that this lunch was much better than any lunch we had ever eaten. We also learned that the phrase, 'I want cheese' can be applied to any situation. Whether you are hungry, or need to play a prank or even if you have a lack of conversation, cheese comes up, because cheese can cure anything.
Thus, my explanation for the phrase 'I want cheese' ends. Farewell till the next time!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Hi everyone. I'm Ringy, or, as you know me, #1. I've just set up my own account, so you can tell Ami and I apart. It's still me, I've just... separated... individualized...

Pretty Little Things

A few photos from the time when I was obsessed with seaglass (still am!) and when I insisted on taking pictures! Enjoy this colorful feast of yummy looking glass!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

O Come all Ye Faithful to Christmas

Well, here's my continuation of my Christmas post from a while ago, more like a few days but who cares! Anyhoo, here are some pictures of the Christmas tree and me in my PJ's!