Friday, December 24, 2010

My fandoms: let me show you them

So, as most everyone who knows me in real life knows, I am... a bit of a fangirl. Okay. More than a bit. Last time I counted I had about 4 fandoms and 4 sub-fandoms. Here they are.

Star Trek
My very first fandom. This is what started it all.
I have the Star Trek Encyclopeadia, a combage pin (engineering) vulcan ears, and I even put together a uniform. I wore it on Holloween.

Sherlock Holmes
This is the fandom with the four sub-fandoms: Canon, Granada, Russian, 09!Movieverse, and BBC. Soooo many Sherlocks.
<=== Orignial illustration
<=== 09! Movieverse photomanip

<=== Granada

<=== Russian series. Aren't they cute?

<==== BBC!Sherlock

Also, this is the first fandom to demonstrate what I call "The Fictional Physician Phenomena" or, "I'm being stalked by fictional docters"

 Doctor Who

What can I say? Funny? Yes. Good characters? Yes. Aliens? Yes. Time travel? Yes again.
I know these pics are mostly of Ten, but I love Nine too. His ears have special powers! Teehee!


This is my shiny brand new fandom. I only have one pic for it, and it's depressing, but I made it and am proud of it.
Owen Harper, medic===><=== Toshiko Sato, Tech
                                                                 RIP Tosh and Owen...


  1. Nice job #1! Just remember to put your number down at the labels, helps people know who's who!

  2. aye. sorry. what did you think of my paintshop skillz from the last pic? Trying to get it as my nano sig, but its not working
