Sunday, March 21, 2010


Since most you people reading our blog don't know what Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month...the title really does explain my main point...XD) is, I will explain and hope to recruit a few new members!
Nanowrimo: National Novel Writing Month, or also known as, let's write a novel in one month! Sound crazy? Yeah, it's crazy! But even so, it's able...something like that!
So, here's a summary of my novel!

Remembering Rikke

One girl, one bird, one power, one universe. Rikke Daroth is an ordinary girl in Sundance, CA. Her life is just fine – just fine except for the fact that her parents divorced and that her live is being eaten away by little demons that thrive on her memories and pieces of her soul. As each demon takes away a piece of her life, a new one is returned and soon, Rikke becomes and entirely different person, living in her internal forest. As the days go by, Rikke soon realizes that something is wrong and she sets out on an internal quest to search for her true self.

So that's that! But wait! There's more! Even if there are no physical prizes for nano, there are computer prizes!

So there's one of the...uh, something like five computer posters! Anyways, gotta go (I'm a goin' to the beach!) I'll explain more of it later and hopefully #one will post her summary, maybe later an exerpt will pop up randomly! Okay peeps, Tata for now!
Oh, one more thing. It happens in November, the 1st - 31st!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Okay, sorry about the delay, but seeing as you already know about our pi day exhibition, I think that (probally! to #one's dismay) I will not post them. But wait! I have something even better, but you have to wait! Should I tell you...? Yeah, I should. This weekend I am in Morro Bay! And I went to the most amazing small city, San Luis Obisbo!!!! Pictures are coming later! TTYL for now! (#two)

Screnzy and Nano, two months of literary insanity

Well, seeing as #two hasn't got the pics up yet, I'll fill you in on Nanowimo and Script Frenzy, the two writing projects we're both attempting this year. Actually, both #two and I have done Nano before, she in o8 and 09, me in 09, but this will be our first go at writing Scripts. Personaly, I can't wait, but April is going to be a hectic month, what with the choir trip to LA and the History project being due... But I'll get it all in...somehow. At least I have both my plots! The plot bunnies have been merciful this year.

Here are my projects for this year:

Screnzy: War Child
Sci-fi. Think Joss Whedon's Firefly meets Markus Zusak's The Book Thief. The human race has spread through out the solar system, and the inner planets are at war with the moons of the outer planets over mining rights in the asteroid belt, as well as some other things. Vashi lives on a refugee camp on Triton, after an attack on her home planet Mars. She signs on with a bloquade running ship...and that's all I can tell you at the moment.

Nano: Mother of Worlds
Sci-fi again. After reciving a page out of an ancient book as payment, Kara sells her small trading ship and uses the money to purchase the run down Navigator to search for mankinds planet of origen, Home.

So...there you have it. See ya

Sunday, March 14, 2010


In honor of today being pi day (3/14/10) we decided to make...PIE!!!

Unfortunately, due to technical dificulties, we are not able to upload all our pictures, however, #two will fix that shortly, and will post the rest of them. In the mean time, here are three things you really ought to know about pi.

1. Pi is a mathematical constant whose value is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean space
2. The first 9 numbers of pi are: 3.14159265
The formula for pi is C/d, where C is the circumference and d is the diameter.

Happy pi day!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

When in Doubt...start with pictures

Really? Did you have to take this picture # one? Any ways, this is kinda weird introducing myself first...after all, I am # two, not one.
Ahem. I am # one. That's the human, not the crawdad. It would be weird if I were a crawdad.

Crawdad!! Found at Putah Creek

Here's # three of us!
She won't be here much though...

Device has been prematurely woken from Sleep Mode....^^

PENS. Pens are amazing. I love pens.
(These are --my pens # one, don't you DARE take them!) (btw, # two speaking here!)

I has a tribble.

So this is us. We are very excited about our new blog, but we're having trouble finding things to say in the first post....Hence the pictures. We love pictures. They're easy, they're fun, and they're Mush. Totally Mush.

And if you don't know what Mush is...then you, my friend, are very behind the times. =D *insert evil laugh* Well...if I must, then I shall explain and enlighten your sadly deprived brain. Mush: Tight, cool, hella cool, wicked...AWESOME! Yeah, so that sums it up, but Mush, is a much better term than any of those...except maybe awesome. ^^ Thank you, # two. Ah...I belive that wonderous smell is my pizza, er...gotta go!

Well, that was both of us, really. But this is # one now. Mmmmm..... I can smell pizza from the kitchen...Yummeh.
Oh. Oops. I forgot to take out the recycling again today...But I have an excuse!! Firstly, I had homework, secondly, we had that three-hour trip to Putah Creek, and thirdly, BLOGGING needs to be done. Thus I rest my case.
See ya later people!