Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Album covers #1

So apparently #2 REALLY likes taking pictures...
Anyway, #2 and I and a few of our friends have this dream of starting a band. It hasn't happened yet, but when it does, we'll have some awesome album covers, thanks to me.


#3's Modeling Company...with an unexpected guest

More stuff of the dresses and...stuff.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

More paintshop #1

Mmkay. So these are two different versions of what is basically the same picture. The first one is the first version, the second is the second version. Both were inspired by the Eisely  song Memories.

This one was inspired by "A Glorious Dawn" which can be found on this website over here-a-ways:
symphonyofscience I hope to maybe do pics for all the other songs to, someday.

Oh, right, I'm back from Colorado now, yay and all that.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A proliferation of Plot bunnies. #1

Hi all! Still in colorado, but I felt compelled to write about the extreme frequency with which I have been coming up with plots, both for screenplays, novels, and even TV series. Must be something in the air up here... So far all of them are still in the "idea" stage, but I'm going to begin worldbuilding for my novel soon, and getting my screenplay idea off the ground. Should be exciting!

See y'all soon

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

More Nano! Well...extra Nano

Sooo....about my Mendocino trip and 4th of July, I'll post those pics later when I can find the camera and when updates aren't clogging the comp! Anyways, yesterday (July 13th) I was on a role. So you guys know how #1 and I and sometimes #3 do this program called Nanowrimo,National Novel Writing Month - takes place in November...) Well, yesterday I decided that I wanted to work on 2009's nano book. I was so absorbed in the writing that by the time I had to go to bed I had written 7,590 words!!! There was a total of 120k or for those of you who don't know what the 'k' means, then I had 120,166 words and 201 computer pages, if it were in book format my book would have 408 pages. I mean, not to brag or anything...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Colorado!!! #1

Hey, it's #1, and I'm posting from my grandparents computer room in Colorado. It's rather noisy, as all my cousins are wrestling and laughing in here with me. They're so crazy.... but i get to watch Star Trek and Big Bang Theory, and go on Thinkgeek, so I'm happy XD