Monday, August 23, 2010

The Empty Blog #1

Bwehehe. I so love obscure humor, don't you?
Anyway, having finally returned from my Great Hiatus (No, I didn't fall off a waterfall, our computer crashed and burned and died.) I have a few things to share with you lovely (though probably non existant) people who read this.

These are Flying Spaggeti Monster Cookies. Although they could also be Cthulu Cookies.
Visit the Church of the Flying Spagetti Monster and be flored by His Noodliness

This is the New-And-Improved cover for Prototype Angels. Just some minor changes, like her collar maching the rest of her shirt. Yay.

Brand New Album Cover! Yay! #2 and I made it together. And look! Our hypothetical band has a hypotheticcal name!

Also, #2 made a music video and posted it on youtube. It's awesome, so go check it out here:

Monday, August 16, 2010


Guess what??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finished my novel. Finally! I. Am. So. Happy!!!!!!! It was deffinitely a HUGE project, but I think it turned out pretty good. \(^o^)/ *yay*.

Pages: 238 - single spaced (computer pages, if it were in book format and double spaced it would be 605 pages)
Word Count: 145k ('k' stands for 1,000)